Friday, November 30, 2012

Stress got you down?

Written by Ashley Lollar

STRESS: One of those unavoidable circumstances that send our minds racing, our bodies aching and our stomachs growling, yet people experience it every day.

College is filled with tests, quizzes, homework, projects, part-time jobs and not to mention a social life. When is there time to take a deep breath and relieve that stress? In my experience, it is difficult to squeeze in time to sit-down, relax and take a moment to calm my nerves, thus I have compiled a list of stress relievers to help you blow off some steam.

1. Workout
 -  This is honestly my favorite stress reliever. Not only is working out a way to get fit but it is also great for your mind. Whether you go for a 20 minute walk or an hour of high intensity workouts this allows your mind to take a break. When I go running, midway through the run I find my mind wandering to the melody of my favorite Pandora station.

2. Get some ZzZzzz’s
 -  We all know what it is like to lose sleep over a test or a final exam, but what can you do? No one wants to miss out on hanging out with friends or watching that last episode of Dexter, but it’s as simple as this: in order to focus you need a full 8 hours of sleep. Try to make it a habit of going to bed at 11 p.m. so that even if you have an 8 a.m. class you will get 8 hours of sleep.

3. Listen to Music
 -  Just think about how relaxing it is to just sit outside and listen to your favorite playlist. I love days that I can just let my mind go and listen to my favorite music. Next time you are feeling stressed take a break by listening to music, and you might just be surprised how much better you feel.

4. Eat Right; Eat Comfort Foods

 -  I know what you’re thinking; eating right takes time and energy that I don’t have! Try to eat balanced meals, or at least try to eat fruits, vegetables and protein whenever possible. This is a great way to combat colds, energize your mind and most importantly maintain excellent health.

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