Activities and Exhibits in the Library & Instructional Technology Center:
Ceramic Exhibit: Professor Sandra Trujillo’s Ceramics I class’ work is exhibited on the
second floor of the LITC. The artwork incorporates the coil building technique
based on the class’ study of historical ceramic forms from Africa, Asia, Europe
and the Americas.
International Center Photography Competition: The winning photographs are displayed on the
second floor of the LITC. Come see beautiful images from study abroad trips and
other student traveling experiences. Congratulations!
National Novel Writing Month Library Write-In (NaNoWriMo): During the month of
November, Georgia College’s Library & Instructional Technology Center will
host a National Novel Writing Month Library Write-In. The goal of participants
is to write 50,000 words in 30 days/nights in the space provided on the first
floor of the LITC. So grab your laptop, tablet or notepad and head to the LITC
and write YOUR novel. Not only will you be helping yourself by interacting with
other creative people and broadening your own perspective, you may also win a
prize and be featured on the LITC’s webpage!
New Books: Alpha Psi Omega generously donated multiple books for the “Leave A Book,
Take A Book” kiosk. Thank you for sharing!